Thursday, December 23, 2010

If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say

Then spew it all out in your blog...

Seriously, with the exception of one personal victory, this week has stunk more than a bum's nut sack. I usually look forward to the week leading up to Christmas and New Years as a time for things to slow down. A few days to enjoy a little quiet and a chance to reflect on the past year while starting to usher in and plan for the new one.

Not this year.

I feel like I have done nothing but scrape by this week giving everything pretty much minimal effort... not out of laziness mind you but out of being spread thin. It's nuts.

I hope that the next few days will allow me to catch my breath, relax, get centered and get back on the ball.

Anyway, enough griping. I hope everyone has a wonderful and SAFE holiday! And if you are having an abortion of week like I have been, hang in there... it's gonna get better. :)

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